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In the vibrant world of art education, fostering a sense of community among students is paramount. Beyond the strokes of a brush or the lines of a pencil, lies an opportunity to cultivate collaboration, camaraderie, and connection. One innovative way to achieve this is through the power of a community mixed media art project that […]

Mixed Media Art: Fostering Community

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Perspective is a funny thing. We can choose to see life from any angle. A situation can be seen as a total disaster or as an opportunity for growth. People are no different. Students roam the hallways with all kinds of labels – they may as well be pinned to their shirts. “This student works […]

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The Fabulous Class Opener: Greetings to a World of Creativity The Door. I stop whatever I’m doing and I stand there. Outside. As they enter, I am speaking to them one by one, complimenting a new haircut, a particularly artsy outfit, or just telling them to “get in here, we have fabulousness to attend to!” […]

5 strategies to keep motivation in the art classroom

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Student motivation – how to gets art kids motivated, interested, creating, and confident, can be a REAL challenge. The apathy on the art room battlefront is palpable. This has to be (in my humble opinion) the biggest challenge for any art teacher at any grade level. We fight constantly against the forces of evil – CELLPHONES, class […]

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